Friday, January 24, 2014

Working with Styles: with Rune Ryberg

Style one: Huge Pratt

Style 2: Chris Ware
(not finished/digital work)

Style 3: Shigeru Mizuki
(dip pen/brush/fine liner)

World building and intellectual property with Teddy K.

IN the week with Teddy Kristiansen We worked with a lot of different assignments. Every day we had a new task, often with more or less a specific.
It was to build up small seniors focusing on characters: What would this character probably do in a specific situation? How Would a character act if they had a secret?
How would you graphically describe a character an the setting if it was a person in grief/happiness.
Style and style "development" is important for the story as much as the "acting" of the characters. If the character is sad - you shouldn't write it down- It should be written in how they act to one another. This works stronger in a graphical universe and seem more realistic.
Assignment one: I didn't finish it up.  We had to pick a character from the comic book "house of secrets" and create a 1-2 page comic. I had an idea of an old man living in a forest. Early in the morning he goes out but finds the dead body of a young girl. Because the old man is not used to company and especially not with beautiful woman he decides to act like a gentleman.
He share his coffee and sandwich with the girl, watching the sun rise.
The assignment: A woman who lost her son in the war without mentioning the words; son, war, loss, dead ext. We had to do the same with a person who just fell in love. But this I didn't have time to finish up.
 Based on a phrase from a famous person, in this case Sigmund Freud, we had to create a 1.2 pages comic based on this small fact. This is the first page of my 2 page comic, just so you can have an idea of the style. My fact was that Freud despites form years of self study was so terrified missing his trains that he would go to the station more than an hour before his departure...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Photoshop Course

This weekend we had NO weekend. We spend both Saturday and Sunday working with photoshop which for me is a pretty new media.

We could get inspiration to Make a drawing on the sentence :
"I sing the body electric" -

project nr 1:

Project nr 2:

World Building with Steven T. Seagle week 1

We had the pleasure of Having the writer Steven Seagle in the house!
The main issue of this week was " intellectual property and understanding the business we now are entering by studying at this school; understanding the business as a "relationship business being able to work with others, and understanding your own limitations, being strong, and taking decisions.
We discussed what makes a great "artist" - a great story. And what exactly an "audience" means. Mostly and audience is something you can control, still you have the power to direct your work - if that's what you want.

We worked with World building, interesting character design, pitching methods, and story structure, memory testing of interest and thumbnailing - free association and brainstorming.

Here is a character design I did from a story/world project names "Wood stick".
A master brain creates a digital world for people to escape from the boring reality...His name is Wood Stick. But what happens when the real world suddenly starts to disappear?  


As another writing text be worked with free association. Steven explained how he "translated " a book from Danish  to English, but without knowing a word of Danish. He tried to look at the pictures and stick to the single words that he knew and make a text that he assumed would be the right story- This ended up creating a different kind of comic book, with another theme and another main character.
 Earlier this year each of the students in my class created a 12 page comic book that we now would use for the same purpose. I was handed the comic of Sofie Louise Dam. But because we knew the text beforehand she would have to delete all the text written, so that I could fill it out with a new text and hopefully a different (and better) story. This is my result. (you can read the original one here: